Episode 6

Mountains and valleys

4 responses

  1. That was pure awesome! I can’t wait to begin sponsoring this precious gift from God( Shadow on the Water) which is being poured out upon us and those thirsting for more of God.

  2. I can identify with all you said. God has always brought high points and low points, even to His apostles, Saints and Prophets. He does that today for us, and we need it! Thank you for this Episode. It really touched my life. I have been praying for your complete healing from the appendix episode.
    God bless you and all your family!
    ~Father ray and Dublin

  3. Thank you, Mike, for taking us through your journey. I am reminded by your testimony to praise and thank God on the mountains, and always remember that he never leaves us in the valleys.
    God bless you and Shadow in the Water!

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