Physical Healing 101


6 responses to “Physical Healing 101”

  1. L. Mesz avatar
    L. Mesz

    God Bless You, Mike!

    Just a couple of corrections:

    1. The correct word is “raised Jesus from the dead” not “rose Jesus from the dead.” Jesus rose from the dead, yes But if You say “the Holy Spirit rose Jesus,” or “rose Jesus from the dead” or “Jesus rose Himself from the dead ” – that is totally incorrect grammar. The proper word is “raised Him from the dead.” “Raised Him” not “Rose Him.”

    2. The correct name of the Book of Revelation is the Book of Revelation, not The Book of Revelations, or “Revelations.” There is No “Book of Revelations” in the Holy Bible. “Revelation” is the Correct name. For instance Revelation 12:1, not “Revelations 12:1.”

    These are such basic, fundamental parts of our Holy Faith – how is it You speak in error regarding them? It makes me question what kind of qualifications You have to teach. I see there is nothing about anyone’s qualifications, education, or work history on the website. There’s more to Christianity than healings. How many Popes have healed people during their lives?
    You seem to be reducing the Holy Catholic Faith to healings and prophecying – like the Protestant Charismatic groups do.

    Mentioning the $200 a woman sent You and then saying You “don’t want people to send You money,” but, “Praise Jesus,” You’re “happy if they do because You don’t make any money off of this” – You are “on Mission”…..well maybe you’d better get a job like other husbands and fathers and support Your family with a paycheck, and then also have Your ministry once Your responsibility to Your family is covered.

    Good luck.


    1. Penny Phelan avatar
      Penny Phelan

      The focus here is to pray. Please pray before you say things to people.
      Treat people the way you want to be treated.

  2. Dear Mike, your spirit is on fire for our Lord! I’m sorry the only comment happens to be someone telling you to get a “real job”. But since you’re a husband and a father, i assume you DO have a job as well as an understanding family and supportive wife who helps you fulfill God’s mission! When we are “zapped” by God, we often work overtime! Amen!

    Thank you for your inspirational healing stories!

  3. Estella avatar

    Thank you Michael I needed to hear this. I do need inner healing. From stress, nervousness.

  4. Rose Corrie avatar
    Rose Corrie

    Regarding Charismatic groups. The Protestant groups were the first to start the Charismatic Movement but eventually the Catholic Church took the lead regarding numbers. I am more of a maths person so excuse my grammatical errors, I am sure God understands. In the eighties it grew. I attend one such group a prayer group which was wonderful and saw many fruits. We had Mass first then went onto our prayer group. Even elderly Blessed Sacrament Fathers took meetings with Mass, Confession and healing service. The numbers were great at these services. Praise, prayer, bible study, singing hymns were part of the meetings. We are put on this earth to praise God in thanks giving, and love our fellow man , helping them in anyway we can. That was important to the Charismatic Prayer Groups and still is, although in the UK there is fewer than before. It changed my time at Mass to were there was only God and myself involved , I noticed no one else during it except the priest. If you knew me and how I had been uncomfortable in large groups you would understand what I gained.

    Some people are afraid of anything different than what we are used to, The Holy Spirit is in charge , not us. The first confessions were Christians sitting in a circle professing their sins to each other. This information came from a priest who had been sent to Italy when he was first ordained. He had been a solicitor until his forties. A great man who told me many things about the faith from the early Christian time. His information came from Monks who passed down the stories so the true faith in the times when there was no internet etc could be kept alive. So again sitting in a box hidden is not what was meant to happen yet perhaps some Catholics would complain if changed. Healing was part of this passed down from Jesus Christ, we have sanitised our faith . This priest took the Rosary to Russia , sadly he has passed away. I have met many wonderful priests who gave me nourishment, quite a few were healers,a channel for The Holy Spirit. Most have passed on.

    To worry about spellings, slight change in a name is not as important as touching peoples lives through our faith in God’s word.

    A last word. I have just returned from Medjugorje and want to go again. I can say that I saw the sun spin and at first doubted myself, until a German lady came up to myself and a friend and asked if we could see it. This was lovely to behold but the main gain is at last I am getting close to Mary as a mother.

  5. Elizabeth Burden avatar
    Elizabeth Burden

    Thank for this message on healing. I don’t know if you remember but a few months ago you prayed for me at a beach in Benton harbor Michigan. Since then I have had no pain in my back. It gets tired from time to time but no real pain. I am still unable to walk unassisted and trusting Jesus for more healing. I am asking you to pray for me again please. For my nerves and fear of falling and loss of balance as I believe these things are hindering me from walking without assistance. Thank you so much. And thank you for telling me that you would pray for me again as needed. May God continue to bless your ministry. My name is Elizabeth.

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